The Infinite Givingness of the Universe Workshop
We all experience the great potential of our individual Havingness. We also experience the limits our thoughts and beliefs often place upon it. Clearing limits is very important to our spiritual progress. So is an understanding of the Universe’s desire and unlimited ability to provide for us. When you fully accept both, having becomes more natural and certain. Indeed, you experience freedom from concern or resentment regarding what others may be able to have.
Tools and concepts include: Build on your having relationship with the Universe, expand and strengthen your Havingness in spirit and in body, rewire limiting beliefs, enhance receptivity to abundance and explore personal beliefs about worthiness.
This 90-minute workshop is offered by Andrew and is open to any student who has previously completed the Energy Essentials class
Classes are held live via Zoom and students are asked to join from a quiet, indoor space, comfortably seated in a chair. (Please, no logging in from your car or the café.)
Prerequisite: Energy Essentials